<p>The House of O’Byrne, governed by Haley's line, has become one of the most magically powerful branches of the O’Byrne dynasty. Adell, who is the new Matron, has opened its doors for the winter celebrations. Over a hundred relatives will be attending.</p> <p>These aren’t strangers. They are the people Adell has known all her life. Magic literally dances on their fingertips.</p> <p>Things start off right with the love of family, and the magical shenanigans of those happily carrying on. Then start going terribly wrong.</p> <p>There is a traitor from within whose jealous spite wants to crush them all.</p> <p>Unaware of the threat, the teenage girls fool around with magic and inadvertently open a portal into Faerie. This initiates a whole mess of complications.</p> <p>Trapped within the magical house, deep love and silent hate are constant companions until the truth is exposed.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。


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税込価格 111円